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When I was about 5 years old, I knew I would be a healer when I grew up...

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... I just didn't have the vocabulary to name it "healer".

Life lead me along an interesting, deepening and enriching journey. I went through very difficult experiences and challenges which eventually lead me to a deep process of healing, which Thank G-d also increased and sharpened my intuitive abilities. My intuition has continued to increase over the more than ten years I have been using energy assessment, releasing, healing and intuition to help others. These completely natural paths also helped me to recover from pre-diabetes and PCOS, and to generally be more freed up and in touch with myself; to be more in touch with my own knowing. 

My clients feel understood by me and not judged. I understand raw emotions; anger, sadness, shame, denial, jealousy, shock, guilt, loneliness and feelings of isolation and more. I have deep respect and honor for my clients. 


I'll share with you how I finally realized my calling as a professional healer:

A friend told me she was getting divorced. She shared with me some of her reasons. As I had met her husband, it sounded like her complaints might be accurate. I also knew that he was generally very nice, reliable in important ways and loved her very much, and she like all of us, had her own G-d given flaws. Especially because their children were already grown and out of the house, I truly had no point of view about whether divorce was the right decision for her or if it was something she might later regret. My response to her was to share that I had been treating selected friends energetically for a few years already, and that if she wanted, I would treat her also. She agreed. When I treated her, it was with the goal of releasing what was getting in the way of her making the right decision for her, and the decision she would not later regret. When she eventually said to me "I am not going to divorce my husband!", I was shocked. She had reached her decision from within herself, and was confident with it, without any verbal guidance from me.

This story also illustrates my deep desire; to remove for my clients what is dimming and preventing fuller expression of their soul in their mind and body, so they can be happier, and healthier, have better relationships, and more easily tap into their soul's knowing and guidance. This way they can more easily make decisions, and they are freed up more to create and attract a life that is more in alignment with their soul; a life that is more enjoyable for them.

Yes, my work is also spiritual, and I love it!

I feel deeply grateful and incredibly fortunate to enjoy my job so much. My favorite part is all the good news I get to hear from my clients.

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